Hi! I'm İhsan 👋
(also known as Notenlish)

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Student & Software developer

About Me

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🧑‍🎓 As a 16-year-old high school student, I have a passion for AI and web development. I'm currently interning at Yediyıldız Venture Office while also working on personal projects. I'm always striving to improve my skills and become an even better developer! 😎

Stuff I've worked on

Astral Pong

Astral Pong

Website for an imaginary pong game. A landing page & demo. Uses Firebase for hosting & Database.  Made with HTML, SCSS, JS and npm.

Job Websites

Websites developed in my internship

These were rushed so the websites contain some bugs lol

This Website

This Website!

One of the first websites I've ever done. The code is meh but I still like the design.



My first experience as a web developer. It's sad that the project is dead, but at least I learned a lot from it.
